|2-Help! |1-I need somebody, not just any... oh, sorry. by Freak of NFA It's a lovely job, this is. You get the satisfaction of producing and editing a magazine that people look out for, read and enjoy, and they write back to you with their loving comments, their constructive criticism and their IFF and ASCII text ads, it's all ticking along like a finely balanced clock. BUT HOW ABOUT DOING SOME BLOODY ARTICLES!?!?!?!?!? For days and days on end we (collective term for those people who *DO* actually produce stuff for the mag) sit on our arses trying desperately to wring a few more ideas out of that large lump of grey matter (or in Pex's case, not so large, but equally useful) for bloody articles, simply because we've got shitloads of space to fill and no files to fill it with! True, those who have submitted their articles have done us proud by sending us plenty to use, but if everyone who read The Word sent us a couple of articles - well, maybe three or four then - we'd have no trouble in filling the mag with a plethora (ooOOOOoooh!) of diverse and interesting articles, and publication day would become a bit more regular as well! The Word is making ripples in the scene, far more than I ever expected it to do, certainly. If you want to get your name up in lights, or at least a bit of ASCII text, although it IS on the main menu as well, which means it MIGHT even get into a computer magazine if they snapshot it, and then loads of people would see your name, even if they didn't know who you are, but that doesn't matter because YOU know, er, where was I again? Oh yeah, if you want all of this and more (?), jump on Ye Olde Bande Waggon (!) that is "The Word" and hang on for dear life, there are no seatbelts, but the view's nice, or something... -End-